Sunday, October 16, 2011

Breaking comprehension down

Throughout class we have focused on the different aspects that are necessary for reading. Within each focus we have discussed comprehension. Therefore, comprehension is clearly essential for one to accomplish the goal of reading. Now, as we look specifically at comprehension, it is evident there are many complexities to be found within this focus. In order to better understand and translate comprehension for students, it is helpful to break reading down to prereading, during reading, and postreading. We, as teachers, can then use specific activities created for these three different periods of the reading process to foster and define comprehension.
Below, are several useful websites full of activities that can be used for prereading, during reading, and postreading comprehension.

1 comment:

  1. These sites that you suggested are great! I really enjoyed looking through each of them and finding creative activities! Thanks so much for sharing!
